Option Alpha vs TradersPost

See why TradersPost is the preferred choice over Option Alpha. With its efficient, user-friendly design and excellent customer support, TradersPost sets itself apart in algorithmic trading.

What to consider when choosing an automated trading system?

Broker Compatibility
Choose a system that integrates seamlessly with brokers you have access to, enhancing your ability to trade across multiple platforms without hassle.
Intuitive User Interface
An intuitive interface is essential for a smooth setup and effective strategy management, enabling a better focus on your trading, not on navigating the system.
Strategy Customization
A good system offers customizable strategies, allowing you to tailor your trades to fit your specific investment goals and risk tolerance.
Responsive Support
Opt for providers known for excellent customer service, ensuring you get the help you need when you need it.
Community Access
A vibrant community and a wealth of educational resources can provide significant value, contributing to your growth and success in automated trading.
Transparent Pricing
Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the system, ensuring you receive the best value for the services provided.

Compare pricing and features: Option Alpha vs TradersPost

TradersPost vs Option Alpha
Monthly Price

Compare the price of Option Alpha with TradersPost.

$49.99 per month
Option Alpha
$79 per month
Free Trial

Does Option Alpha have a free trial and what are the limits?

7 days free paper trading
Option Alpha
30 days free trial
Free Plan

Does Option Alpha have a free plan that is free forever?

Option Alpha
Cancellation Policy

How do you cancel your Option Alpha subscription compared to TradersPost?

Cancel anytime within app
Option Alpha
Cancel anytime within app
Refund Policy

What is the refund policy for Option Alpha?

No refunds
Option Alpha
Auto renew annual plans refundable

Does Option Alpha have a community where you can ask questions and get help like Discord or a forum?

Option Alpha
Email Support

Does Option Alpha have email support?

Option Alpha
Phone Support

Does Option Alpha have phone support?

Option Alpha
Supported Asset Classes

What asset classes are supported by Option Alpha?

  • Stocks
  • Futures
  • Options
  • Crypto
Option Alpha
  • Stocks
  • Options
Supported Brokers & Exchanges

What brokers and exchanges are supported by Option Alpha?

  • TradersPost Paper Trading
  • TradeStation
  • Tradovate
  • Alpaca
  • Interactive Brokers
  • Tradier
  • TD Ameritrade
  • Coinbase
  • Robinhood
Option Alpha
  • Tradier
  • TradeStation
  • tastytrade
  • TD Ameritrade
Manual Trading Interface

Does Option Alpha have a manual trading interface for manually trading?

Option Alpha
Mobile Friendly Browser Application

Is Option Alpha compatible with mobile browsers or does it have a mobile app?

Option Alpha
Native iOS or Android Mobile Application

Does Option Alpha have a native mobile app?

Option Alpha
Webhook Signals

Can you send trade signals to Option Alpha via webhooks?

Option Alpha
Webhook Signal Limits

Are there limits on how many webhook signals you can send to Option Alpha per month?

Option Alpha
Webhooks not supported
Live Trading

Can you trade with real live money on Option Alpha?

Option Alpha
Paper Trading

Can you trade with fake paper money on Option Alpha in brokers that support paper accounts?

Option Alpha
Built-In Paper Trading Broker

Does Option Alpha have a built-in paper broker?

Option Alpha
Auto Submit Trades

Can you automatically submit trades to your broker with Option Alpha?

Option Alpha
Manually Submit Trades

Can you manually approve or reject trades with Option Alpha before submitting to your broker?

Option Alpha
Take Profit Order

Can you manually submit a trailing stop order with Option Alpha?

Option Alpha
Stop Loss Order

Can you manually submit a stop loss order with Option Alpha?

Option Alpha
Trailing Stop Order

Can you manually submit a trailing stop order with Option Alpha?

Option Alpha
Take Profit Leg

Can Option Alpha submit an entry order and take profit order together?

Option Alpha
Stop Loss Leg

Can Option Alpha submit an entry order and stop loss order together?

Option Alpha
Trailing Stop Leg

Can Option Alpha submit an entry order and trailing stop order together?

Option Alpha

Can you open bearish short positions with Option Alpha?

Option Alpha

Can you trade fractional quantities with Option Alpha?

Option Alpha
Two Factor Auth

Does Option Alpha support two factor authentication?

Option Alpha
Strategy Marketplace

Does Option Alpha have a marketplace where you can buy and sell strategies?

Option Alpha
Strategy Sharing

Can you privately share your strategies with other Option Alpha users?

Option Alpha

Does Option Alpha have analytics to help you analyse your trading performance?

Option Alpha
Cloud Based

Is Option Alpha cloud based? Platforms that are not cloud based require your computer to be on and connected to the internet at all times.

Option Alpha

*Competitive data on this page was collected as of December 29th, 2023 and is subject to change or update. TradersPost does not make any representations as to the completeness or accuracy of the information on this page.

Optimize Your Trading

TradersPost vs Option Alpha

Discover why TradersPost is the superior choice for traders seeking advanced automation and a community-driven platform.

Full Broker Integration
TradersPost provides complete broker integration, giving you the flexibility to automate strategies with your preferred brokerage accounts.
User-Friendly Interface
The intuitive interface of TradersPost allows for an effortless setup and management of automated strategies, suitable for traders at any skill level.
Transparent Pricing
TradersPost offers a clear and straightforward pricing structure without the worry of hidden fees, ensuring you know exactly what you're paying for.
Community and Support
Benefit from a vibrant community of traders and responsive customer support to exchange ideas and resolve issues quickly.
Innovative Strategy Building
With TradersPost, create and automate intricate strategies using a wide array of customizable options that go beyond basic indicators.
Paper Trading to Test Strategies
TradersPost offers paper trading features, allowing you to validate your trading strategies in a risk-free environment before going live.

“Best platform for algorithmic trading. TradersPost takes the struggle out of having to code API's to each broker and having consolidated subscriptions with extra rulesets based on the subscription preferences makes this top dog from all other platforms used.”

Jonathan Haggas
Jonathan Haggas
TradersPost Customer

“TradersPost is a great software to automate your trading strategy. The user interface is intuitive and easy to use. The best part is you're able to join a community of like-minded individuals.”

TradersPost Customer

Ready to automate your trading? Sign up for free today.