Important Disclosures

Last Updated on May 20, 2024

Platform Overview

TradersPost operates as a non-custodial automated trading platform, enabling users to connect alerts from their preferred trading platforms to their selected brokerage or exchange accounts via webhook API calls.

Market Commentary Disclaimer

TradersPost may create content with market commentary and opinions. While we may hold positions discussed, this is not financial advice. The opinions are solely our own and do not constitute recommendations or endorsements for any particular security, strategy, or investment. Always conduct your own research and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any trading or investment decisions. Trading in the financial markets involves a risk of loss. Scripts, indicators, and strategies produced by TradersPost are for informational or educational purposes only.

General Trading Automation Disclaimers

  • TradersPost does not provide alerts, signals, research, analysis, or trading advice of any kind. The platform assists traders in making their own decisions based on their alerts and is provided 'as-is' without any warranty.
  • Using TradersPost safely requires experience and skill. Even experienced users face risks. By using TradersPost, you acknowledge and assume these risks, releasing and indemnifying TradersPost, its parent company, associated companies, vendors, licensors, processors, and employees from any claims or damages arising from your use.
  • Automated trading systems involve inherent risks, including significant financial loss. Predetermined algorithms may not fully adapt to changing market conditions, making them unsuitable for some investors. Assess your financial situation and risk tolerance before using this platform.
  • You are responsible for monitoring your positions and ensuring that your signals are successfully processed. By connecting any broker or exchange, you agree to this disclaimer and the TradersPost Terms of Service, which includes additional disclaimers and limitations.