Broker Fields

Choose live account

Choose paper account

Default quote currency

Market data source

Market data use live broker account

Market price type

Max strategy positions

Webhook Fields

Allow any ticker

Asset class

Emails to notify

Limit to IP addresses

Limit to TradingView

Limit to TrendSpider

Notify failures only


Webhook Messages

Empty Json

Your webhook request was empty. It must contain valid JSON for TradersPost to understand the trade instructions.

Empty Ticker Name

Empty ticker name provided.

Invalid Action

Invalid action provided. Action must be one of: buy, sell, exit, cancel, add.

Invalid Asset Class

Invalid asset class.

Invalid Expiration

Invalid expiration provided. Expiration must be a valid absolute date (2024-09-01) or relative date expression (+1 month).

Invalid Extended Hours

Invalid extendedHours provided. Extended hours must be a boolean true or false value.

Invalid Intrinsic Value

Invalid intrinsicValue provided. Intrinsic value must be one of: itm, otm.

Invalid Ip Address

Request did not come from configured IP addresses.

Invalid Ip Address Format

Invalid ip address format.

Invalid Option Type

Invalid optionType provided. Option type must be one of: both, call, put.

Invalid Order Type

Invalid orderType provided. Order type must be one of: market, limit, stop, stop_limit, trailing_stop.

Invalid Password

Password is invalid.

Invalid Payload

Invalid payload. action and ticker is required.

Invalid Percent Of Position Action

Invalid quantityType action provided. percent_of_position can only be used with action buy, sell or exit.

Invalid Quantity

Invalid quantity.

Invalid Quantity Type

Invalid quantityType, must be one of: fixed_quantity, dollar_amount, risk_dollar_amount, percent_of_equity, percent_of_position.

Invalid Quantity Type Action

Invalid quantityType action provided. quantityType can only be used with action buy, sell, exit or add.

Invalid Quantity Type For Asset Class

Invalid quantityType for webhook asset class.

Invalid Risk Dollar Amount Action

Invalid quantityType action provided. risk_dollar_amount can only be used with action buy, sell or add.

Invalid Sentiment

Invalid sentiment provided. Sentiment must be one of: bullish, bearish, flat.

Invalid Sentiment Action

Invalid sentiment action provided. Sentiment can only be used with action buy or sell.

Invalid Stop Loss Amount

Invalid stop loss amount.

Invalid Stop Loss Amount And Percent

Invalid stop loss value. You cannot have a value for both amount and percent.

Invalid Stop Loss Limit Price

Invalid stop loss limit price.

Invalid Stop Loss Percent

Invalid stop loss percent.

Invalid Stop Loss Relative And Absolute

Invalid stop loss value. You cannot have a value for both relative and absolute stop losses.

Invalid Stop Loss Stop Price

Invalid stop loss stop price.

Invalid Stop Loss Stop Price Required

Invalid stop loss value. You are required to have a stopPrice.

Invalid Stop Loss Trail Amount

Invalid stop loss trail amount.

Invalid Stop Loss Trail Percent

Invalid stop loss trail percent.

Invalid Stop Loss Trail Price

Invalid stop loss trail price.

Invalid Stop Loss Trail Value

Invalid trailing stop loss value. You cannot have a value for both trailAmount and trailPercent.

Invalid Stop Loss Trail Value Required

Invalid trailing stop loss value. You are required to have a value for trailAmount or trailPercent.

Invalid Stop Loss Type

Invalid stop loss type.

Invalid Stop Loss Value Required

Invalid stop loss value. You are required to have a relative or absolute stop loss.

Invalid Strike Count

Invalid strikeCount provided. Strike count must be between 2 and 20.

Invalid Strike Price

Invalid strikePrice provided. Strike price must be a valid number greater than zero and must be sent with a valid expiration and optionType.

Invalid Strikes Away

Invalid strikesAway provided. Strikes away cannot be greater than half of your configured strikeCount.

Invalid Take Profit Amount

Invalid take profit amount.

Invalid Take Profit Amount And Percent

Invalid take profit value. You cannot have a value for both amount and percent.

Invalid Take Profit Limit Price

Invalid take profit limit price.

Invalid Take Profit Percent

Invalid take profit percent.

Invalid Take Profit Relative And Absolute

Invalid take profit value. You cannot have a value for both relative and absolute take profits.

Invalid Take Profit Value Required

Invalid take profit value. You are required to have a relative or absolute take profit.

Invalid Ticker And Option Type

Invalid ticker symbol and option type combination. The option type of the contract symbol must match optionType.

Invalid Time In Force

Invalid timeInForce provided. Time in force must be one of: day, gtc, gtd, opg, cls, ioc, fok

Invalid Trailing Stop

Invalid trailing stop provided. When orderType=trailing_stop, action must be one of buy, sell or exit and you are required to send one of trailAmount or trailPercent.

Malformed Json

Could not parse JSON payload.

Not Trading View

Request did not come from TradingView.

Not Trend Spider

Request did not come from TrendSpider.

Post Required

HTTP POST method is required.

Quantity Type Requires Quantity

You must provide a quantity with a valid value when using quantityType.

Ticker Does Not Exist

Ticker does not exist.

Unsupported Ticker

Ticker is not allowed on this webhook.
Strategy Fields

Allow add to position

Allow any ticker

Allow entry extended hours

Allow exit extended hours

Amount per position

Asset class

Auto submit


Cancel wait timeout

Delay in milliseconds

Delay multiplier

Disable canceling open orders

Disable side swapping

Emails to notify

Entry market price type

Entry order type

Entry time in force

Exit market price type

Exit order type

Exit time in force

Exit wait timeout


Fixed quantity

Intrinsic value

Max delay in milliseconds

Max retries

Notify failures only

Option type

Percent of equity

Quantity calculation method

Retry trades that fail during trade planning

Risk per position


Sides isolated

Stop loss amount

Stop loss percent

Stop loss type

Strike count

Strikes away

Subtract exit quantity from signal quantity

Take profit amount

Take profit percent


Trading window timezone

Use fractional quantity

Use live broker account

Use signal contract

Use signal order type for entries

Use signal order type for exits

Use signal price for entries

Use signal price for exits

Use signal quantity

Use signal settings

Use signal stop loss

Use signal take profit

Use signal time in force for entries

Use signal time in force for exits

Strategy Messages

Add To Position

Add to {{ openPositionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position.

Cancel Open Orders

Cancel open {{ ticker }} orders.

Close Open Position

Exit {{ openPositionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position.

Crypto Quote Not Supported

TradersPost does not currently support crypto-based quote currencies, AKA crypto-to-crypto pairs.

Enter New Position

Enter {{ actionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position.

Exit Partial Position

Exit partial {{ openPositionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position.

Exit Quantity Zero

Cannot exit the open position because the exit quantity is zero and it must be greater than zero.

Exit Signal No New Position

Cannot enter a new {{ ticker }} position because the signal is an exit only signal.

Failed To Cancel Open Orders

Something went wrong when trying to cancel open orders in the broker.

Failed To Cancel Open Orders In Time

We submitted the order cancelation to the broker but the status of the order did not change to canceled within the allowed cancel wait timeout.

Failed To Enter New Position

Something went wrong when trying to submit the entry order to the broker.

Failed To Execute Trade

Something went wrong when trying to execute the trade.

Failed To Exit Open Position

Something went wrong when trying to submit the exit order to the broker.

Failed To Exit Open Position In Time

We submitted the exit order to the broker but the status on the order did not change to filled within the allowed exit wait timeout.

Failed To Plan Trade

Something went wrong when trying to plan the trade.

Ignored By Time Window

The trade was ignored because it was executed outside of the allowed trading window.

Max Strategy Positions

Reached max strategy positions of {{ maxStrategyPositions }}. Check your broker settings and remove the value in the "Max strategy positions" field.

No Entry Order

Cannot enter a new {{ actionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position. Your strategy subscription settings did not produce an entry order.

No Entry Sentiment

Cannot enter a new {{ actionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position because the signal sentiment does not allow entering a new position.

No Entry Sides Isolated

Cannot enter a new {{ actionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position because we could not exit the open {{ openPositionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position because sides are isolated in your strategy subscription settings.

No Exit Sides Isolated

Cannot exit open {{ openPositionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position because sides are isolated in your strategy subscription settings and only {{ sidesSentiment }} trades are allowed.

No Open Orders

No {{ ticker }} orders open to cancel.

No Open Position

No {{ ticker }} position open to exit.

No Open Position Add

No {{ ticker }} position open to add to.

No Open Position Flat

No {{ actionSentimentOpposite }} {{ ticker }} position open to flatten.

Not Exit Signal

Cannot exit open {{ openPositionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position because the signal is not an exit signal.

Oto Orders Not Supported

One Triggers Other (OTO) orders are not supported by your broker. You are required to send both a take profit and stop loss.

Position Already Open

There is already an open {{ openPositionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position. If you want to allow adding to open positions, check the "Allow add to position" checkbox in your strategy subscription settings or use the "add" action from your signal.

Position Not Fully Exited

The open {{ openPositionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position will not be fully exited so we cannot enter a new position.

Position Side Disabled

Cannot enter a new {{ actionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position. Your strategy subscription settings only allows {{ sidesSentiment }} trades.

Price Required For Relative Calculation

A valid entry price is required in order to calculate a relative take profit or stop loss. Either send a price in your signal or use a broker with support for fetching quotes.

Quantity Zero

Cannot enter a new {{ actionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position. Your strategy subscription settings calculated a quantity of zero.

Sides Swapping Disabled

The open {{ openPositionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position will be exited but a new position on the opposite side will not be entered because swapping sides is disabled in your strategy subscription settings.

Unexpected Failure

Something unexpected went wrong when trying to execute the trade.

Unsupported Asset Class

The asset class of the symbol in the trade signal is not supported by your strategy subscription or broker.

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