Strategy Message

Unsupported Asset Class

The asset class of the symbol in the trade signal is not supported by your strategy subscription or broker.

This error occurs when the asset class of the symbol in the trade signal does not match the asset class supported by your strategy subscription or the broker.

Examples of Invalid Requests:

  • Sending a crypto symbol like BTC-USD to a strategy subscription configured for futures.
  • Sending a futures symbol like MNQZ2024 to a broker that only supports crypto.

Why This Error Can Occur:

  • The broker connected to your strategy subscription does not support the asset class you are attempting to trade.
  • The strategy subscription is not configured for the asset class of the symbol you are sending.

Instructions on How to Correct the Error:

  • Verify Broker Support: Ensure that the broker connected to your strategy subscription supports the asset class of the symbol you are trading.
  • Check Strategy Configuration: Confirm that your strategy subscription is configured for the correct asset class.

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