Strategy Message

Max Strategy Positions

Cannot enter a new {{ actionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position. Maximum allowed strategy positions of {{ maxStrategyPositions }} reached. To increase this limit, visit your broker settings and adjust or remove the "Max strategy positions" value.
Beware that this limit cannot be strictly enforced by TradersPost. For example, if you send two signals to execute two trades for two different tickers at the exact same time and your max strategy positions is set to 1, then it is possible that both trades will be executed and you end up with two positions. This is because the limit is checked before the trades are executed, and the trades are executed in parallel instead of one at a time.

This message indicates that the maximum number of strategy positions has been reached. TradersPost enforces a limit on the number of strategy positions you can hold, as specified in your broker settings. If this limit is exceeded, any new request to open additional positions will be denied.

TradersPost counts each unique ticker symbol as an open position. This includes both currently held positions and any open orders that would create new positions. The limit is based on the number of unique ticker symbols, not the quantity of shares or contracts within each position.

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