Webhook Message

Invalid Stop Loss Trail Percent

The provided stopLoss.trailPercent is invalid. The stopLoss.trailPercent field must be a positive numeric value representing a relative percentage used to calculate your trailing stop loss.

This message indicates that the stopLoss.trailPercent provided in the request is invalid. TradersPost requires that the stopLoss.trailPercent be a valid positive number. If a trail percent such as "-5%" or "five percent" is provided, the request will not be processed.

This error can occur due to several reasons, such as:

  • The stopLoss.trailPercent is a negative number.
  • The stopLoss.trailPercent is not a number (e.g., it contains letters or special characters).
  • The stopLoss.trailPercent is zero or improperly formatted according to the required parameters.
  • Ensure that the stopLoss.trailPercent in your request is a positive number and correctly formatted to avoid this error.

Invalid stopLoss.trailPercent example:

    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "action": "sell",
    "orderType": "trailing_stop",
    "stopLoss": {
        "type": "trailing_stop",
        "trailPercent": "-5%"

Valid stopLoss.trailPercent example:

    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "action": "sell",
    "orderType": "trailing_stop",
    "stopLoss": {
        "type": "trailing_stop",
        "trailPercent": "5"

In the above examples, a valid trailing stop loss order includes a positive trailPercent, ensuring clear and precise instructions for the trailing stop loss mechanism.

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