Webhook Message

Invalid Risk Dollar Amount Action

The provided quantityType action is invalid. The risk_dollar_amount quantityType can only be used when the action field is set to buy, sell, or add.

This message indicates that an invalid action was provided for the risk_dollar_amount quantity type in the request. TradersPost requires that the risk_dollar_amount quantity type can only be used with the following actions: buy, sell, or add. Any other action used in conjunction with risk_dollar_amount will be considered invalid, and the request will not be processed.

Here is an example of a valid request using the risk_dollar_amount quantity type. In this example it will buy 10 shares because we've said that the most we want to be able to lose is $100. If we get filled at $180 and we have a stop loss at $170, then if we get stopped out we'll lose $10 per share, which means we can afford to buy 10 shares.

    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "action": "buy",
    "orderType": "limit",
    "limitPrice": 180,
    "quantityType": "risk_dollar_amount",
    "quantity": 100,
    "stopLoss": {
        "type": "stop",
        "stopPrice": "170"

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