Webhook Message

Invalid Take Profit Relative And Absolute

The take profit configuration is invalid. You cannot specify both relative and absolute take profit values. Use either a relative (percent or amount) or an absolute (limitPrice) take profit, but not both.

This message indicates that both relative and absolute take profit values were provided in the request, which is not allowed. TradersPost requires that you specify only one type of take profit value to avoid conflicts. Providing values for both parameters will be considered invalid, and the request will not be processed.

Here is an invalid payload where both a percent and limitPrice are provided, which is not valid:

    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "action": "buy",
    "orderType": "limit",
    "limitPrice": 100,
    "takeProfit": {
        "percent": "5",
        "limitPrice": 105

Here is a valid payload where only one type of take profit value is provided:

    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "action": "buy",
    "orderType": "limit",
    "limitPrice": 100,
    "takeProfit": {
        "limitPrice": 105

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