Strategy Field

Allow auto submit

The Allow auto submit option provides strategy owners with greater control over how their strategies are utilized by subscribers. When this option is enabled, subscribers will be allowed to enable auto submit on their strategy subscriptions.

Why Use This Option?

This setting is particularly useful for strategy owners who prefer to maintain manual oversight over trade submissions or want to ensure that trades are reviewed before execution. By disallowing auto submit, you can ensure that subscribers must manually review and confirm trades before they are placed.

How It Works

  • Enabled: Subscribers can choose to enable auto submit, allowing trades to be automatically executed based on the strategy's signals without manual intervention.
  • Disabled (default): Subscribers cannot enable auto submit for this strategy. They will only have the option to manually submit trades.

This feature is designed to provide flexibility and control, giving strategy owners peace of mind that their strategies are being executed in a way that aligns with their intentions.

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