Strategy Message

Add To Position

Add to {{ openPositionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position.

This message indicates that the calculated entry order will add to an existing open position. You can add to an existing open position by sending action=add in your webhook or by sending action=buy or action=sell with Allow add to position checked in your strategy settings. If you do not have Allow add to position checked, then action=buy and action=sell will be rejected if there is already an open position.

Example using action=add:

    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "action": "add",

If you have Allow add to position checked, then you can use action=buy or action=sell to add to existing open positions.

Example using action=buy:

    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "action": "buy",

Example using action=sell:

    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "action": "sell",

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