Strategy Message

Exit Partial Position

Exit partial {{ openPositionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position.

This message indicates that TradersPost will exit a portion of an existing position. For example, if the open bullish position in AAPL has a quantity of 10 and you send a webhook with a quantity of 5, then it will result in a partial exit.

    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "action": "sell",
    "quantity": 5

In these scenarios, if you are wanting to swap sides, the full position will need to be exited. If you partially exit, TradersPost will not enter a new position on the other side even when you have Sides set to Both in your strategy settings.

You can always omit the quantity if you would like to exit the full quantity of the open position in the broker:

    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "action": "sell"

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