Strategy Field

Asset class

The Asset class field controls the universe of tickers that are available to trade and provides additional settings that are specific the selected asset class. For example, if you choose Options, then additional settings for options will be available. Currently the only asset class with additional settings is options.


The additional settings available for options are used to control the option chain scanning functionality. The option chain scanning functionality will scan the option chain and filter out any expiration dates that are before the configured expiration and then it will select the 1st expiration date that is left in the list of expiration dates available. After selecting the expiration date, other filters are applied to select a contract that matches your criteria.

  • Option type - The type of option contract to select when scanning the option chain. Choose from Both, Call or Put. If you choose Both, the broker will buy long calls on bullish signals and long puts on bearish signals.
  • Intrinsic value - Whether you want a contract that is in the money or out of the money.
  • Expiration - The expiration date filter for contract selection. This will filter out all expirations before the given absolute date or relative date expression (e.g. "+1 month" for one month from now).
  • Strike count - The number of strikes to request from the broker. For example, if you request 12 strikes, the broker will return 6 in the money and 6 out of the money.
  • Strikes away - The number of strikes away from at the money to select.

You also have the ability to control the option chain scanning functionality from your webhook. Here is an example:

    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "action": "buy",
    "expiration": "+6 months",
    "instrinsicValue": "itm",
    "optionType": "call",
    "strikesAway": 2

Or send the exact contract you want to trade instead of using the option chain scanning functionality:

    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "action": "buy",
    "expiration": "2023-01-20",
    "optionType": "call",
    "strikePrice": 325

Or send the full option contract symbol in the ticker parameter:

    "ticker": "AAPL 230120C325",
    "action": "buy"

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