Strategy Field

Retry trades that fail during trade planning

When TradersPost executes a trade, the first thing it does is communicate with the broker to fetch the state of the broker account and "plan the trade". This includes fetching current open positions, open orders, account balances, and any other information required to execute the trade. TradersPost then uses this information to determine the plan for executing the trade, which includes deciding whether to cancel any open orders for the ticker, exit the open position if it exists, or enter a new position. If there were any problems communicating with the broker or processing the trade plan, you will see this message.

If any of the communication with the broker fails, you can turn on retries within TradersPost for these kinds of failures. In your strategy settings, scroll down to the Retry section and check the Retry trades that fail during trade planning checkbox. You can control how many times the system will retry and the delay between retries. Here is a list of the available retry settings:

  • Max retries - The maximum number of times the system will retry the trade. If the trade fails after the maximum number of retries, the trade will be marked as failed.
  • Delay in milliseconds - The delay between each retry attempt. The system will wait for this amount of time before retrying the trade.
  • Delay multiplier - The multiplier to apply to the delay between each retry attempt. The system will multiply the delay by this value after each retry attempt. For example, if the delay is set to 1000 milliseconds and the delay multiplier is set to 2, the system will wait 1000 milliseconds before the first retry, 2000 milliseconds before the second retry, 4000 milliseconds before the third retry, and so on.
  • Max delay in milliseconds - The maximum delay between retry attempts. If the delay calculated by the delay multiplier exceeds this value, the system will use this value as the delay.

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