Strategy Message

Price Required For Relative Calculation

A valid entry price is required in order to calculate a relative take profit or stop loss. Either send a price in your signal or use a broker with support for fetching quotes.

This message indicates that a valid entry price is required to calculate a relative take profit or stop loss. TradersPost needs either a price provided in the signal or the use of a broker with support for fetching quotes. Without a valid entry price, the request will not be processed.

Some brokers, like Tradovate, do not support market data, so we are not able to fetch quotes for you. In this case, you must provide the entry price in the signal. If you are using a broker that supports fetching quotes, you can omit the entry price in the signal and TradersPost will fetch the quote for you.

Here is an example that uses a relative take profit percentage, but without an entry price, we are unable to calculate the take profit limit price to send to the broker:

    "ticker": "MNQ",
    "action": "buy",
    "takeProfit": {
        "percent": 5

To correct the issue, you can send along a value in signalPrice that represents the current market price at the time the signal was generated.

    "ticker": "MNQ",
    "action": "buy",
    "signalPrice": 1500,
    "takeProfit": {
        "percent": 5

If you are using limit orders, then the limitPrice will be used as the entry price. If you are using market orders, then you must provide the signalPrice in the signal. Here in example using limit orders:

    "ticker": "MNQ",
    "action": "buy",
    "orderType": "limit",
    "limitPrice": 1500,
    "takeProfit": {
        "percent": 5

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