Strategy Message

Sides Swapping Disabled

The open {{ openPositionSentiment }} {{ ticker }} position will be exited but a new position on the opposite side will not be entered because swapping sides is disabled in your strategy subscription settings.

This message indicates that while the current open position will be exited, a new position on the opposite side will not be entered. This is because swapping sides is disabled in your strategy settings. TradersPost enforces this rule to prevent automatic entry into a new position on the opposite side once the current position is exited.

By default, when Sides is set to Both in your strategy subscription settings, TradersPost will automatically enter a new position on the opposite side once the current position is exited. However, if you disable this setting by checking Disable side swapping, TradersPost will not enter a new position on the opposite side after exiting the current position.

If you want to automatically enter a new position on the opposite side after exiting the current position, you can do so by setting Sides to Both in the strategy subscription settings or you can send a second subsequent signal at a later time to enter a new position on the opposite side.

Here is an example, if you have Sides set to Both and Disable side swapping checked in your strategy subscription settings and you have an open long position in AAPL with a quantity of 10 and you send a signal to exit the position like the following:

    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "action": "sell",
    "quantity": 10

TradersPost will exit the open long position and will not enter a new position on the opposite side. Then, at a later time, if you send a signal to enter a new position on the opposite side like the following, it will then enter a bearish position on AAPL with a quantity of 10.

    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "action": "sell",
    "quantity": 10

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