Strategy Message

Exit Quantity Zero

Cannot exit the open position because the exit quantity is zero and it must be greater than zero.

This message indicates that the request to exit an open position cannot be processed because the exit quantity specified is zero. TradersPost requires that the exit quantity be a positive number greater than zero. The exit quantity refers to the number of shares, contracts, or units that you intend to close out from your open position.

Example Scenario:

If you have an open position with a quantity of 1 share of AAPL and you attempt to exit 50% of the position, the calculated exit quantity would be 0.5 shares. Since share quantities must be whole numbers, TradersPost rounds this down to zero, resulting in this error.

Instructions to Resolve:

To avoid this error, ensure that the calculated exit quantity is greater than zero. Consider increasing the percentage or using a fixed quantity that results in a non-zero exit quantity.

Invalid Exit Quantity Example:

    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "action": "sell",
    "quantityType": "percent_of_position",
    "quantity": 50

Valid Exit Quantity Example:

    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "action": "sell",
    "quantityType": "percent_of_position",
    "quantity": 100

In the valid example above, the system will process the request to sell 100% of the AAPL position, ensuring that the exit quantity is not zero. Always verify your quantity calculations to prevent this error and successfully execute your trades.

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