Strategy Field

Cancel wait timeout

TradersPost will cancel all open orders for the specified ticker before sending the exit and/or entry order to the broker. We will wait for the configured Cancel wait timeout for the orders to be fully canceled, and if they are not canceled within the allowed timeout, the trade will be failed and the exit and/or entry order will not be submitted to the broker.

The default Cancel wait timeout is set to 120 seconds and you can customize this value in your strategy settings. The minimum value is 60 second and the maximum value is 300 seconds.

Open orders for the ticker will be canceled in the following scenarios:

  • action=cancel is explicitly sent in the webhook
  • there is no open position for the ticker
  • there is an open position for the ticker but the position is on the opposite side of the signal

This behavior is enabled by default and you can optionally disable the order canceling functionality in your strategy settings by checking the Disable canceling open orders checkbox in the Cancel section of your strategy settings.

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