Webhook Message

Invalid Strikes Away

The provided strikesAway is invalid. The strikesAway value cannot be greater than half of your configured strikeCount.

This message indicates that the strikesAway value provided in the request is invalid. TradersPost requires that the strikesAway parameter cannot be greater than half of your configured strikeCount. If the strikesAway value exceeds this limit, the request will not be processed.

Invalid strikesAway example. This is invalid because we are only requesting 10 strikes, 5 in the money and 5 out of the money so 6 strikes away from at the money does not exist:

    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "action": "buy",
    "orderType": "limit",
    "limitPrice": 100,
    "strikeCount": 10,
    "strikesAway": 6

Valid strikesAway example:

    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "action": "buy",
    "orderType": "limit",
    "limitPrice": 100,
    "strikeCount": 10,
    "strikesAway": 2

In the above examples, a valid strikesAway value is within the specified limit, ensuring the request meets the required parameters for processing.

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